Cialde Vaniglia Borbone 250grm Fagioli del Madagascar Grado A 14-17CM PREMIUM

By Gourmet


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Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans are very distinct, with a flavor e aroma profile, unlike any other vanilla bean. Madagascar vanilla beans are processed using the "Bourbon" curing method. This technique typically produces vanilla beans with higher moisture content. Our gourmet vanilla beans have a moisture content of roughly 33%. You'll notice that there are no breaks or splits within the vanilla beans; another indication of extremely high quality.

To use a vanilla bean, cut each end off da the vanilla bean e slice through the vanilla bean lengthwise, remove the paste da inside the vanilla bean e use as needed.
  • Use in a variety of cooking e baking applications, including vanilla sugar, sweet sauces, ice cream, cakes e cookies, e homemade vanilla extract
  • Più Information
    GradeGrade A (Gourmet/Premium/Prime)
    Length5-6 inches (13cm -17cm)
    Moisture Content30-35%
    Flavor Profilecreamy, strong, full, rich


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